Code of Conduct

All staff members and students of the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences are bound to the University’s code of conduct and integrity (‘Gedragscode omgangsvormen en integriteit’). All staff members and students are thus expected to observe the social norms prevailing within the University, which stem from the University’s fundamental principles as stipulated in the University’s statutes. All staff members and students are also expected to observe generally accepted norms of socially appropriate behaviour.

The Willem de Kooning Academy strongly emphasises the following rules of conduct and etiquette:

Staff members and students treat each other with respect.

Staff members and students recognise and respect each other’s ethnicity or nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and physical and mental abilities.

Staff members and students refrain from all forms of inappropriate behaviour, particularly (sexual) intimidation, aggression, violence and discrimination.

Staff members are aware of their function as role models, and thus exemplify the established norms in their words and actions.

All staff members, particularly teaching staff, are aware in their dealings with students of the power inequality and relationship of dependency within the relationship. This applies particularly in dealing with minor (i.e. underage) students.

Staff members, particularly teaching staff, maintain the necessary distance in their dealings with individual students and make sure to always maintain a professional relationship. Under no circumstances whatsoever will they take advantage of the relationship of trust that exists between staff members and students.

Staff members avoid personal contacts with individual students in situations or locations where this may lead to the appearance of (sexual) intimidation or abuse of power.

Staff members and students make sure to avoid any possible confusion between private and professional relationships. In the event that a personal relationship should develop between a staff member and a student, the staff member is responsible for informing their supervisor. Intimate relationships between staff members and underage students are in all circumstances strictly forbidden.

Staff members and students remind each other where necessary of the need to refrain from inappropriate behaviour.

The Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences provides opportunities for staff members as well as students to call attention to inappropriate behaviour. Staff members may contact the Complaints and Disputes Office or a student counsellor. The complaints procedure for inappropriate behaviour (Klachtenregeling Ongewenst Gedrag) and the regulation on staff complaints (Reglement Klachten Personeel) describe how and when to deal with inappropriate behaviour. Staff members may also consult one of the confidential advisors who have been appointed to assist them with regard to the procedures to be followed.