Our tools

  • What is HINT?

HINT is the centralized website of the Hoogeschool Rotterdam Intranet. Given that WdKA is part of the Hoogeschool Rotterdam, you can find a lot of information about your employee benefits in HINT. For example, you are able to find out more about career coaches, your holiday leave, and more. Once you have your academy account, we advise exploring the website.

  • What is MyWdKA, and how do I get access?

Once you have your account (@hr.nl), you will have access to our internal platform called MyWdKA. This is a platform that supports all members of our community (students, tutors, and staff). Here you will be able to find out more about the study programs, the stations, and our academy. The Education Station provides information for tutors on trainings and onboarding. You will have access to the above link once you have an account.

  • What is Osiris, and how do I get access?

Osiris is the core system where we follow the progress of our students. Once you have access to MyWdKA, you can use this link to a video on how to use OSIRIS.

  • What is PTD/PTA?

PTD/PTA is a platform for tutors in which they can see the time division for different tasks (Planning Taaktoedeling Docenten/ Planning and Task Assignment). The main division of tasks are 10% of your time is dedicated to collective professionalization, another 10% for organizational tasks, another 40% for education time, and lastly, 40% for education-related tasks. You can find more information here (in English) and here (in Dutch) when you have access to HINT.